A system worked out in steel

On the passing of Leonard Cohen

I'll not weep.
Image CC2 Wikimedia
I'll not indulge in some maudlin binge nor project significance where there is none.
An old man died. I didn't know him, although he was, apparently, an admirable, lazy bastard with a preference for suits.
I expect I'll continue to use his songs as a soundtrack, as has been my semi-conscious wont for 44 years. I may still use his words for distraction in the night.
I'll try to avoid using his shrewdest lines without context to prove a devotion, unless, perhaps, there's irony to be shared.
I do, of course, find significance in the words of my dear friends who have contacted or tagged me. If you are feeling grief, I wish you kindness and healing.
Time passes. We mourn for that.