A system worked out in steel

Life as a dilettante

Image Wikimedia
Saw this in the Louvre today, in a little recess tacked on to the French collection. I did a double-take, as I thought it was a Manet, and belonged elsewhere. Shows my ignorance. It’s actually Goya’s Countess del Carpio from about 1794. Check out Manet’s portraits of Bertha Morisot 80 years later. I think I have a case - I’m writing up the PhD application in another window. Still means it was out of place, but it was a highlight of  a rather strained day fighting the crowds in the Louvre.

They opened a big exhibition this week on Leonardo, and the people have flocked. I wish they had flocked off, as I didn’t get the cerebral experience I was hoping for. Still, I did get to see the big Davids, including Napoleon doing a Trump at his coronation. They’re worth looking at, even if it’s just for the technical mastery. I lasted several hours, but the noise got to me. I wasn’t expecting silence, but the din was silly. I took a stroll down the Italian collection and it was more like Juventus vs. A.C. Milan, but with a worse view and no goals.

I know Goya did some very dark stuff, but the light touch in this piece has me interested. I think I need to get me to Madrid.