A system worked out in steel

Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum

TOULOUSE-LAUTREC, Henri: Yvette Guilbert, 1893

The Thyssen is an art museum named after (the obviously filthy rich) Baron Heinrich Freiherr Thyssen-Bornemisza de Kászon et Impérfalva. Try saying that with your mouth full.

He (well, his son actually) bequeathed much of the family’s wide-ranging art collection to Madrid in 1992. It’s got all sorts of stuff, including Flemish and Dutch masters, Impressionist and Post-Impressionist works, and goodies from the 20th Century. It’s just across the way from the Prado, and supposedly “fills in the gaps” of the Prado’s collection.

As a bonus, they’ve got a temporary exhibition of Impressionist stuff alongside photographs from the period. 

I’ve added a gallery of a few works that took my fancy, but it could have been much more extensive. It’s a very broad collection of famous names. I particularly liked the Pollock:
POLLOCK, Jackson Brown and Silver 1 c.1951
And a very lush Max Ernst:
ERNST, Max 33 Little Girls Set Out
for the White Butterfly Hunt 1958
And joy of joys,  my gal Berthe Morisot gets a guernsey:
Berthe Morisot: View of Paris from the Trocadero 1872

If you want more detail on the pictures, you can see the Google Photos gallery here.

Most  images public domain. Those that aren’t are used under Thuyssen Meseum’s non commercial use licence.